NITEFLIX is a free monthly outdoor movie series Summer 2018 one Saturday per month in the parking lot of The Edison Center,…
Don’t let the summer heat get you down! Thursday June 7th, that’s right this Thursday, will be the inaugural CPW…
If you have issues with the noise of airplanes over Old Louisville, you can call the airport’s noise officer Bob…
CPW needs your help! We are working to redefine the direction of CPW for the future, a process that began…
Friends and Neighbors Firstly let me congratulate our own Leah Stewart who has been elected to serve as Vice Chair…
All Just a reminder, that CPW will hold its May business meeting at 7pm at the OLNC in Central Park on…
Central Park West publishes it’s shiny new website today to wide-spread acclaim and applause! is the new home for…