Since 1978
Making a Community
Living in the urban interior and in the largest historic preservation zone in the country comes with its challenges for all of us.
Central Park West Neighborhood is an association dedicated to making our corner of Old Louisville a better place to call home.
By working together, we make a difference - we are a community.
April 20, Sunday - Floral Terrace - EASTER EGG HUNT
June 7, Saturday - Central Park - CPW PICNIC AND GAMES
April 19, Saturday - U of L Percussion Band @ Central Park - volunteers (4) concession stand
May 16, Friday pm - Crashers @ Central Park - volunteers (6) concession stand
Our Vision
Our vision is to utilize our shared resources to protect and promote shared core values of Beauty, Safety, and Inclusion.
Our purpose is to promote and foster a welcoming and inclusive community through civic participation of shared core values (i.e. Beauty, Safety, and Inclusion).
We will support this vision through partnership with neighborhood entities such as Waterstep, Shakespeare, the Old Louisville Neighborhood Council and its subcommittees, and the Old Louisville Brewery, et al.
Our vision includes a plan to protect green spaces (Beauty) through active civic engagement (i.e. tree plantings, neighborhood and metro cleanups); Improve the quality of life of neighbors by participation in block watches, “roll call nights” sponsored by local district law enforcement, and educational programs offered by local fire department (Safety); Promote a stronger sense of community with those that reside and work within the neighborhood by increasing communication in media and other public venues (i.e. website, social media, welcome packet, social events) (Inclusion).
Organizational Transparency
Want to know what happened at the last meeting? Want to learn more about what CPW's been up to? You're in luck.
CPW is committed to be being a fully transparent and accountable organization. We publish all meeting minutes, reports, documents and official filings on our website.
If you have any questions about what you read there, or want to know more, please don't hesitate to use the contact links at the top and bottom of each page.
Join Central Park West
Membership has it's benefits. Visit our Online Store and join Central Park West today!
Are you CPW?
Not sure if CPW is your neighborhood?
Check out the neighborhood map and learn more.
Old Louisvile Neighborhood Council
Central Park West is just one corner of the beautiful wider Old Louisville Neighborhood. Check out what's going on at the OLNC at
A bequest is a gift from your estate—a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate plans. You can make a bequest to CPW by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate to the organization, or by designating CPW as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy.
Remembering CPW with a bequest from your estate will help sustain and strengthen the organization in years to come and continue its mission of neighborhood improvement and preservation.