6th and Myrtle Sidewalk – VOTE NEEDED

Friends and Neighbors

Firstly let me thank you all for your activism and support concerning the recent sidewalk repair and tree removal conducted by the city on 6th St near Myrtle. While the result was not exactly what many of us would have liked, it was very impressive and edifying to see and hear about the amount of emails and phone calls sent out from CPW membership to Metro government about the matter. We definitely let the powers that be know that we are a group who cares and will let our voices be heard about the things that matter to us. Truly a fine example of democracy in action, and it made me very proud the serve you all as organization president.

All that being said, the CPW board has been working with city leadership on a plan to restore the sidewalk to its historic brick again. We have formulated a plan with the city to remove both the older concrete and the newly poured concrete and replace it all with new bricks for the course of the western sidewalk in from 1352/1358 S 6th St to Myrtle.

The cost of the labor for the city to remove the concrete has be set at $800 and the number of new bricks needed to purchase would be around 2,800. CPW would purchase the brick and pay the city for the labor costs. Thanks to the research and legwork provided by CPW members, we have located the appropriate brick and have done so at a reasonable cost.

We estimate the entire project can be completed for around or under $9,500 (figure rounded to allow for any cost overrun). CPW has accumulated the enough funds from the past few years fundraising to be able to meet this expense immediately.

CPW’s mission is to beautify, protect and restore our neighborhood, and this project is a prime example of the work the organization is meant to accomplish.

I am therefore calling an online vote for authorization for CPW to spend up to $9,500 to buy the necessary materials and contract with Metro Works to restore to historic brick the course of the western sidewalk from 1352/1358 S 6th St to Myrtle. Voting begins immediately as of the sending of this email and will conclude Monday August 13th at midnight.

Please reply to the separate email that was just sent to the membership, or email [email protected].

I will announce the results of the vote on Tuesday August 14th.


Matt W
CPW Prez